"Blue Pool" watercolour on Saunders Waterford paper. 20x29cm, framed with white mount. Inspired by the lakes and pools in Telford Town centre park

Artistic background

Started painting with intent in 2010. I have no art qualifications and am self taught. Joined an art society in 2010 and explored the world of art. Started with acrylics, then oils and finally watercolours , but like charcoal too.
Have many, many styles and paint whatever takes my fancy. In July 2022 I opened a small art gallery at Maws, near Ironbridge, and am fortunate to realise my dreams.


Keats wrote, "A thing of beauty is a joy forever" , and that is art to me.


Art, music, the countryside ( especially walking around the beautiful county of Shropshire), gardens, nature and meeting interesting people ( they all have a story to tell),

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