Hello and welcome to my world of art! I use deep colours and bold brushstrokes to bring abstract concepts to life. Women are a fundamental source of inspiration for my art although I paint all nature forms, with many things piquing my interest. I want my paintings to exemplify feminine power, intensity and diversity and the range of emotions they carry. I believe everything in nature is a brilliant art creation and I try to honour that in my own representation and interpretation of these forms.

Artistic background

Art has always been my passion. I would draw and paint all the time as a child. My mother, who is an artist herself, was my inspiration and her encouragement helped me develop my skills further. I completed my Masters in Computer Animation from the University of Westminster and pursued Digital animation and design as my profession. Alongside, however, I never gave up on my passion for painting and developed this further by painting in my spare time and experimenting with various styles and mediums. I primarily use oils, acrylics and mixed media. You’ll also see occasional dabbling with acrylic paste and other texture based paint in my online shop.


"Creativity is intelligence having fun" - Albert Einstein


Painting, sketching, music

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