Artistic background

I was fortunate to grow up in South West Cornwall, which exposed me to art from a very young age. Influences from Lamorna, the Newlyn School and St Ives were all virtually on my doorstep. I loved creating art and enjoyed the kudos of being 'arty'. But life eventually led me down another path and, despite dabbling here and there along the way, I had little time to fully devote to art until about 10 years ago. Better late than never I say!
I originally started out as a wildlife artist (which I'd briefly studied at art college). However, these days I'm drawn more towards the natural environment and I love to create pieces that convey the dynamic relationship between earth, water and sky. Growing up on the coast of Cornwall gave me a deep affinity for the sea and this has influenced much of my work in recent years. My aim is to paint scenes that will draw you in and connect with the senses.
I spend part of my time working on commissions for private clients (UK and overseas) and the rest producing paintings which are mainly sold through online galleries. I like to support my local art community by exhibiting my work in annual events and I've even been invited to talk about my work on local radio a couple of times, which was great fun.
Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy looking at my work.

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