Artistic background

I am a Spanish based in London photographer and painter. I studied arts in the Institute of Arts and Superior of Design Mateo Inurria in Cordoba Spain. Music it's my main force of motivation and inspiration, where I draw the energy from. I found that my favorite stile of photography is black and white but when it comes to paintings I love vibrant colors. My abstract, expressionist, cubist, surrealist, (call it how you want it) paintings are impulsive and done in one sitting, normally wet on wet. Once I find the "flow state" I have to follow it to were it leads me and I don't stop until the piece it's complete. I very rarely do pieces over various sittings. For me making a painting it’s like a love-hate relationship in the process with final climax once it's completed. I paint for myself above all and I see it as a self discovery journey.


Photography. Moving Image. Painting

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