Artistic background

I have been drawing and painting for as long as i can remember, and creating artwork has always been a driving force and passion in my life.

My style has developed through many years of experience working in professional fine art studios - designing and producing artwork for hotels, restaurants, commercial spaces, public areas and private estates worldwide.

I am now an independent freelance artist, and have been teaching art classes, running painting workshops and doing painting demonstrations throughout the UK & Europe for 15 years.

I am a regular contributor to the Leisure painter magazine, and my artwork has been featured in national & International publications including International Artist magazine, Artist and Illustrator magazine, The Artist Magazine, Paint magazine, Trail Magazine and the Great Outdoors Magazine.


Spending time with nature has always been a huge source of inspiration, and the Mountain environment holds a special fascination for me. Painting outdoors ‘en plein air’ is simply the best way to really immerse yourself in a landscape and connect with your subject. Mountainous areas have their own weather systems which can provide you with all four seasons in one day, and as the artist you can pick and choose elements of these moments to add to your painting. The painting then becomes a story of the whole day, rather than a quick snapshot.

Back in my studio i will then use these ‘Plein air’ studies as reference for colour, tone and light, and my photos for composition and detail.

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