Tim Serle
exeterWELCOME ! to my Gallery and Art Store.
The marquetries have been produced over several years when I was between design contracts. They take around thirty-six to forty-eight hours of cutting and preparation for each marquetry. On average the marquetries contain between two and four hundred veneer pieces.
Artistic background
Having lived my formative years 1960’s - 1980’s in the South West of England I have been highly influenced by rural scenes and wildlife. As an adolescent I would spend long summers on the banks of the river Exe fishing for Brown Trout or wondering around fields with a homemade bow and arrow hoping to hunt Deer and Pheasants for the Sunday lunch, without success.Many hours were also spent looking for Lizards, Newts, Frogs, Ladybirds, Grass Hoppers and Slow Worms in our local fields, parks, ponds and hedges. Little did I know what an influence the time spent surrounded by rolling hills and wildlife would have on my future artworks.
Fast forward to 1996 after twenty years labouring on various farms and building sites in the South West I was diagnosed with Chronic Lumber Compression of the spine. This led me to enrol on an Art Access Course at Somerset College of Art and Design. I followed this with a Foundation course in Art and Design at the same College. Having four young children to support at this point I chose to study Graphic Design as my Degree subject and graduated in 2001 with a Honours Degree from Plymouth University.
While at College and University I was keen to absorb all the art history on offer. Art movements such as Cubism, Futurism, Constructivism and Realism would all go on to influence my own artworks. Artists such as Pablo Picasso, Umberto Boccionni, and Kurt Schwitters, Jean-François Millet, Gustave Corbet, were prominent exponents of these art movements. These artists and movements were very influencial on my choice of materials, composition and colours, as well as the final, overall aesthetic.
The beautiful is in nature, and it is encountered under the most diverse forms of reality. Once it is found it belongs to art, or rather to the artist who discovers it.Gustave Courbet
I have worked in several industies throughout my life, incuding agriculture, construction, graphic design, education, and fostering. This has led me to acquire an enthusiasm for a vast awray of interests. The Arts have always been a keen interest of mine since childhood. Sculpture, Theatre, Cinema, Pencil Drawing, photography and Marquetry have all been regular pastimes for me throughout my life.As a husband and father of wonderful children I have spent many hours of my life doing DIY projects wherever we have lived. This is about to change due to my age, and my wife’s demands, from now on, this time is going to be spent on less arduous tasks. I would suggest enjoying a lot more hot chocolate and coffee in the wonderful cafes around our area.
Having grown my own vegetables for many years, age and health have taken their toll, I have pared down the raised garden beds back to a managable volume of pots and containers. But I do still love to eat homegrown produce fresh from the pots.
My wife and I enjoy walking the Cornish and Devonshire coast path when out and about in our small motorhome. We also share a keen interest in playing golf to a terrible standard on local Pitch and Putt courses wherever we ‘pitch up’ our van, ...no pun intended. Playing badminton has been a keen hobby for me since I was a school boy. I continued to play the game with my four children as they grew up and continue into my older adulthood with the same enthusiasm, but at a much reduced skill and ability level. I still regularly go on short walks and short bike rides in our local beautiful Devonshire countryside looking for inspiration from nature for the next marquetry inspiration.
Accepts Commissions?
- Horse Chestnut Bud
- Tim Serle
- Mixed Media
- Hazelnuts ripe and open
- Tim Serle
- Mixed Media
- Squirrel in winter store
- Tim Serle
- Mixed Media
- Leaves in the Autumn
- Tim Serle
- Mixed Media
- Butterfly settles
- Tim Serle
- Mixed Media
- Brown Trout rising
- Tim Serle
- Mixed Media
- Cricket crawling
- Tim Serle
- Mixed Media
- Owl hunting
- Tim Serle
- Mixed Media
- Frog on lilly pad
- Tim Serle
- Mixed Media