I use watercolour and although it is often described as a difficult medium, it can be worked on in a restricted environment.
Most of my pictures are + A3 in size. I use various types of watercolour paper, the most frequently used is Bockingford 190lbs.
Over the years I have built up an eclectic mix of paintings that I hope to be able to show to a wide audience. Some of my pictures have had reactions from some viewers that have been
interesting to say the least.
Please send me a message about what You think about them. Is good to hear what your potential customers think of your work. That is half the fun. Enjoy.

Artistic background

I started pencil sketching as a teenager in the late 1980s. I decided to try watercolours after seeing bird illustrations by renowned bird artist David Reid-Henry.
It was a lot more difficult, than I first thought and I certainly was nowhere near as good as D.R.H.
I did progress and eventually was able to do reasonable illustrations that warranted publication in some journals.

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