Welcome to my store! Here, you will find the original pieces of artwork that I have available for sale, from graphite drawings to watercolour paintings and much more! Each piece of art will come with a Certificate of Authenticity and a handwritten Thank You Card.

Artistic background

I have been drawing and painting since I was a child. I was always drawing or painting something or making things out of cardboard boxes, including cardboard houses!

I always took pride in art at school and I even won an award for art when I was in primary school at the age of six. When I started secondary school, I knew very early that I wanted to do art for GCSE, partly because it was a subject that I enjoyed and partly because it gave me an excuse to draw!

Even though art was always a hobby for me, it was something that I always wanted to get better at, especially to get a good grade in my GCSE. So I started watching tutorials on YouTube and some YouTube artists also had videos about growing an art business. That was when I started to think about possibly doing art as a career.

Ever since I left secondary school, I've been struggling to decide what to do as a career and exploring different options. In my mind, art is something that i would like to explore, but everyone around me says that unless I'm super talented, I can't make a living from it. This annoys me because I believe that every artist is talented, whether they are creating super realistic art or more expressive art or abstract art. Even if I can't make a full-time living from art, I'm determined to give it a try, starting with this online store!

I just want to say a massive THANK YOU in advance for your support. It means SUCH A LOT to me and I hope you enjoy browsing through my store! X


What qualifications in art do I have?

The only qualification I have in art is Art GCSE. I am a self-taught artist, experimenting and creating with every spare moment I have.

Do I accept commissions?

I currently do not accept commissions due to having a very busy life with little spare time.

What inspires me most when I'm creating art?

Animals and nature are my biggest inspirations for my art. Animals, especially horses, have been a huge part of my life growing up, so they feature heavily in my artwork, which is where the name - Fin, Feather, Hoof & Paw Art - comes from. But I'm always looking to improve my art and I draw some portraits as fan art.

What mediums do I use?

Currently, the main mediums that I use are watercolours and graphite. But I am planning to try out some other mediums, like oil paint, charcoal, and even coloured pencils, in the future.

Accepts Commissions?

