Artistic background

Julie Wynn is a professional artist originating from the UK. She began her career at art college, learning to paint in water colours and oils, and working on commissions specialising in wildlife and still life, before moving into jewellery design and building up a successful jewellery business over 20 years. She is extremely well travelled and spent over 6 years living in China, where she studied painting in acrylics, a medium she now works exclusively in, and 4 years in Spain, where she is currently based.

Julie’s love of travel influences her work tremendously, with her many trips across China, South East Asia, Australia, North and South America, the Middle East and right across Europe, providing her with an enormous collection of cultural experiences and locations from which to draw inspiration. Her fun and outgoing personality finds its way into all of her paintings, and she is well known for her bold use of colours and textures by the many fans of her work. Her artworks adorn the walls of collectors all over the world, including California, Spain, UK and China.


'You have a talent for capturing the striking beauty of nature and its energy shows in your work' K.Scott on 'Arctic Ice'
'I really felt a sense of breathlessness on first sight and an instant flood of happiness and emotion. It truly is beautiful and has utterly exceeded my expectations' L.Turner on 'Fantasy Falls'


Major solo art exhibition at the Nobu Hotel Marbella in the Puente Romano Resort, Spain. Featuring 65 of Julie's original artworks. The event was sponsored by Roku Gin, with catering by Nobu Restaurants and official photography by Exclusive Life Magazine.
Permanent gallery wall displays at top restaurants, hotels and clubs in Marbella, Spain

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