Artistic background

journey of self-discovery. Khanum’s work has been represented on several online platforms including the Saatchi art gallery, Fine art America, And Gratis Libre gallery. She is a third-place winner for Abstracts 2019 by j Mane. Gallery. Her work is featured by Raw artist (New York 2018) and Conception Arts (New York 2019-2020 Her artwork is a combination of rich vibrant colors with fine lines and dots, which she uses to express her feelings.

She uses several different types of art media to create her abstract paintings. Her works reflect her obsession with nature, colors, feelings, emotions, and her own journey of life. Her unique art style is inspired by her artistic background as she has always been interested in art, and her life experiences. Saliha Khanum is inspired by the colors in nature, and the way she sees them. She uses vibrant colors in her artwork to express the way she feels.

Her artwork is abstract. She is inspired by the vibrancy of nature, and the colors she sees around her. The colors in her artwork express the way she feels about life. She currently lives in Manchester with her husband and three children and works from her studio .

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