Sax solo. oil on canvas
Size 100 cm high X 150 cm wide
it was a commission
This work of art was commission. The thyme was chosen because the client was a saxophone player in her youth. For this reason, the saxophone player in the picture is a bit out of proportion (stands out) compared to the other musicians.

Artistic background

I was born in 1959. Art especially painting escorted me through my whole life but as a hobby. As an electrician I could support my young family while, as everyone knows, living from art is a luxury. I’m a self taught artist, learned from books, visiting galleries and a lot of practice. I used to sit in a cafe and practiced how to paint portraits with the help of volunteers free of charge and- sometimes the result was embarrassing; my main Materials of work were pastels and oil colours and recently Acrylic.
I paint because I can’t write or sing, so I’m painting things that inspire/affect me. My main approach in art is Narrative art. However, following a request for commissions I continued and completed a series of colourful abstract paintings. I can be inspired by pieces of music, a photo on someone’s desk, an event etc’ and the style, whether it is realism/abstract etc’ will be adapted to the idea. In my opinion, to stick to a single style to be recognize is boring and not always the right tool to tell the story.
Over the years I have made a lot of artworks, some of them I have sold some of them I gave away. I started to convert the hobby to profession during the COVID and started to record/catalogue my artworks.


Art, Music

Accepts Commissions?

