Artistic background

Amy Harrison gained her skills in both traditional and contemporary disciplines at Central Saint Martins. Her broad portfolio spans from hyper-realism to contemporary abstract paintings.

Her biggest inspiration is the night’s sky, leading her to spend time off-grid in Great Barrier Island - an International Dark Sky Sanctuary 70km off mainland New Zealand. Evenings spent under the stars spurred Amy’s fascination with the universe, particularly the unique formation and colours of nebulae.

The peculiar patterns and colours of some of her art depict elements of
interstellar clouds and the imagined galaxies beyond. These are worlds
that cannot be conveyed through words.

Amy continued her study of Astronomy at the Greenwich planetarium before moving to Yorkshire where she now enjoys the dark skies on her very own doorstep. The dazzling skies over the Yorkshire countryide continue to inspire her works. These paintings are an ethereal portal to the viewer’s own imagination.

Accepts Commissions?



  • Delta
  • Amy Victoria Harrison
  • Acrylic









