Artistic background

I am a contemporary Visual Artist who specialises in painting and drawing. I grew up in Winsford / Northwich, in Cheshire; and I completed a BTEC Diploma in Art & Design at Mid-Cheshire College. In 2004,  I moved to  Salford, where I obtained a degree in Visual Art & Culture at University of Salford. 

Having a non-linear way of thinking led to finding conceptual affinity with the Surrealist / Abstract Expressionist movements: One of my key preoccupations is the workings of the subconscious and how it distorts experiences of reality. My appetite for surrealism guides many of my ideas that are whimsical, zany, displaced, or ominous. 

I am also preoccupied with nature: Having grown up in a rural area, a positive relationship with nature was established in my formative years. I have early memories of retreating to natural spaces for unfiltered daydreaming, solitude and introspection. I have always been captivated by the silent drama of the skies, and the way light and shade interacts with elements of a scene. My artistic process often involves the use of contrasting chiaroscuro to illustrate this contrasting duality. 

​More recent work conveys the ongoing environmental crises that nature is continuously exposed to. My exhibition in 2019 "Within, Without" (See Exhibition Archive) explores some parallels between our relationship with nature and our relationship with ourselves. 

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