Welcome to my Art Store. I sincerely hope you enjoy your visit. I look forward to seeing you all at my Exhibitions in the UK.

Artistic background

Ian first began his career as a professional artist and designer in the United States, working for two theatrical companies: ‘Best of Broadway’ in New York, and Creative International in Tampa, Florida. He was responsible for the sets for various television and theatrical productions, including ‘1776 Opera’ (Florida’s contribution to their bicentennial celebrations at the Marco Polo Theatre North Miami Beach) the Bette Davis National Tour and the Miss America Pageant in Bush Gardens for CBS television.

Following his return to the UK from the United States Ian became resident Artistic Director for the Stowe Opera Company, together with two National Opera and Ballet companies. During this period he was responsible for designing various stage sets including Carmen, Cosi Fan Tuti, Trovatore, Carlos, Hansel and Gretal, Rusalka and Onegin.

In addition to his theatrical work Ian has exhibited his paintings at various galleries both in Europe and the UK and his work is on view in Sweden, Japan, China, Australia and Spain.

On top of his theatrical and television work, Ian has lectured and given workshops in some of the most prestigious art schools in the UK, helping many young art students to achieve their creative goals. Ian has also been a guest lecturer for the American Arts Council hosting workshops in the UK and in Europe.


Drawing, Painting, Scuba Diving, Underwater Photography, Golf, Writing Music, Theatre, Dance

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