Artistic background

I Have always been a painter. I paint almost every day. I recall at the age of 8 years old using those solid round discs of poster paint at school and I knew then I was an oil painter and insisted on a set of oils.

I have used oils ever since and all of my work is oil on wooden board. I also paint mainly with a pallet knife and I find the board a more stable base than canvas.

I am entirely self taught. The opportunity or desire to go to an art collage never occurred to me. I have always preferred to do a personal study of the work of others and learn in that way. And of course I am still learning.

I am fortunate enough to live by the sea and only a short drive away from the stunning Northumberland countryside and Lake District. Thus many of my paintings are landscapes and seascapes. The North East UK coast is a source of constant inspiration and many of my recent paintings are based upon a montage of imagination fed by our stunning coast line.

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