Discover the captivating world of "Blue Harmony," an original acrylic painting that effortlessly captures the powerful energy of human emotions. With a blue background serving as a base, the vibrant swirls of pink, maroon, navy, and white paint blend and intertwine, representing the depth and fluidity of our feelings. This piece is created using freestyle techniques and features painted sides for easy display without the need for framing. The bold colours and contemporary appeal of "Blue Harmony" make it a versatile addition to any space. It comes with a certificate of authenticity and is ready to hang, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in the beauty and complexity of abstract expression. Sold unframed.
Belgian primed canvas
Winsor and Newton acrylic paint
Sides are painted
Signed and hand stapled on the back
The painting is ready to hang
Original painting with Certificate of authenticity
- Canvas
- Abstract
- Abstract
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