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- Man's shoes.
- Vita Schagen
- Oil
- Pembrokeshire cliffs
- D J
- Oil
- Red Cala
- Vitalie Nastas
- Oil
- Trees by the sea. Landscape.
- Vita Schagen
- Oil
- La porta dei desideri
- Andrea Benetti
- Oil
- Seaside Gold
- Arefeh Rahmanian
- Oil
- Orchids in the rain
- Lada Stukan
- Oil
- Romantic dreams.
- Vita Schagen
- Oil
- Peter Goodhall
- Oil
- Dorset Dreaming
- Laura Longhurst
- Oil
- Flowers in a vase oil painting
- Raissa Kagan
- Oil
- Gray Elephant
- Ira Whittaker
- Oil
- Olive Fields and flowers Landscape
- Carol Ann Wood
- Oil
- Find Me. Gray Kitten
- Ira Whittaker
- Oil
- Swiss Alps
- Simona Nedeva
- Oil
- Empty room
- Will Smith
- Oil
- Immersion in melody
- Liubov Kuptsova
- Oil
- Looking at Spring
- Marion Derrett
- Oil
- Algarve before dusk
- Ade A
- Oil
- Golden Forest Monarchs
- Gill Bustamante
- Oil
- The dog walkers
- Pippa Buist
- Oil
- " FREE YOUR MINDE " (2024)
- Monika Luniak
- Oil
- Happy days
- Susana Zárate Harris
- Oil
- Night Riders
- carol staines
- Oil
- Spring mood
- Tatjana Cechun
- Oil
- Winters Day on Seaton Beach
- Stuart Wickett
- Oil