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- Lilac and grapes
- Tatjana Cechun
- Oil
- Sporty Cat
- Jill Ann Harper
- Oil
- Orange sunset
- Raissa Kagan
- Oil
- Transformer
- Paul Smith
- Oil
- Welcome to the Jungle
- Pamela Rys
- Oil
- Fairy and Immortal Boy
- Mariusz Krzysztof Anisko
- Oil
- Across the Sound of Iona
- James Gooch
- Oil
- Purple Sunset
- Christine Ingram
- Oil
- Les mésanges
- Diana Malivani
- Oil
- Time to wake up
- Ira Whittaker
- Oil
- Coastal Wildflowers
- Zoe Elizabeth Norman
- Oil
- " LOVE YOURSELF " (2024)
- Monika Luniak
- Oil
- Fungi chanterelle Mushrooms
- Vita Schagen
- Oil
- Thinking Of You VIII
- Kalpana Soanes
- Oil
- Romantic dreams.
- Vita Schagen
- Oil
- Summer Meadow
- Hayley Freeman
- Oil
- Mist above the Lake
- Gerry Porcher
- Oil
- Miniature “Pikines”
- Tatjana Cechun
- Oil
- Into The Distance
- Thomas Hjelm
- Oil
- Vase by the Door
- Ira Whittaker
- Oil
- Cityscape III
- Behshad Arjomandi
- Oil
- Waterlily's Lullaby. Water lilies pond.
- Vita Schagen
- Oil
- La veille de Noël
- Diana Malivani
- Oil
- Gentleman's Repose
- Ruslana Levandovska
- Oil
- Autumn in the Leaves
- Asm Ambia (Artistic Biplob)
- Oil
- By the Light of the Moon
- Julia Everett
- Oil
- Rivendell
- Simona Nedeva
- Oil
- Summer Roses
- Lesley blackburn
- Oil
- Fresh water stream
- Richard Freer
- Oil