In a realm where brick and mortar meet the fantastical, a mural unfurls its vivid tapestry upon the wall. Dragons of emerald and fire weave through a cosmos of chaos and creation, their scales shimmering with the secrets of ancient lore. A celestial being, wings outstretched, hovers above a hydrant, as if poised to take flight into the boundless imagination. The Earth, cradled in the heart of the mural, spins amidst a whirlwind of mythical creatures and cosmic energies. Each brushstroke tells a tale, each color a whisper of dreams and nightmares intertwined. This mural is a portal, a visual symphony that invites the viewer to lose themselves in its intricate dance of fantasy and reality.
A limited edition of only five high quality art prints are available now to purchase.
- Paper
18" x 18" approxStyle
- Stylised & cartoon and illustrative
- Art for Interior Designers
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