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- Shih Tzu pastel painting
- Lorna Lancaster ASEA
- Pastels
- Rainbow Figure 1
- Carmen Tyrrell
- Pastels
- The Bowling Green
- Mick Sargent
- Pastels
- Ducks on Guard
- Carole Busby
- Pastels
- The Old Man
- Stephen Sargeant
- Pastels
- Weeley Hall Woods
- Lorna Lancaster ASEA
- Pastels
- Grey Fluffy Kitten
- Lada Kholosho
- Pastels
- Homage to Monet on Venice
- Stephen Sargeant
- Pastels
- Colours of Autumn
- Christine Ingram
- Pastels
- Distant Vision
- Carole Busby
- Pastels
- Bottoms Up!
- Lorna Lancaster ASEA
- Pastels
- Spanish Show
- Lorna Lancaster ASEA
- Pastels
- Siamese Cat Silhouette
- Lada Kholosho
- Pastels
- “Breath of summer”
- Anna Kosteniuk
- Pastels
- Sand, Sea and Sheds
- Mick Sargent
- Pastels
- Spliff King (red.)
- Juan Sly
- Pastels
- Abyssinean cat painting
- Raissa Kagan
- Pastels
- Coo-L Fringe
- Natasha Girdwood
- Pastels
- Rockwood Hound 2
- Brian Halton
- Pastels
- Autumn Vision
- Carole Busby
- Pastels
- Popiconic moment no. 1: "Die" in b/w
- Juan Sly
- Pastels
- Nearing the Summit of Wetherlam
- Mick Sargent
- Pastels
- Jacqueline Edmonds
- Pastels
- Nelly Moser
- Sally Trueman
- Pastels
- Winter Trees at Sunrise
- Lorna Lancaster ASEA
- Pastels
- Llanberis Pass
- Mick Sargent
- Pastels