Other people's paintings only much cheaper: No. 13.3 Johns
Jasper Johns is well known for his depictions of the American flag. Johns' works regularly received millions of dollars at sale and auction, including a reported $110 million sale in 2010. At multiple times works by Johns have held the title of most paid for a work by a living artist. He used a fast-drying medium that enabled him to apply individual strokes with great textural variation, while allowing some of the underlying areas of newspaper collage to show through, dimly, enticing the viewer to look closely.
Here Sly has re-done it entirely from bits from British newspapers; and being British, now, he has done it as the Union Flag. Of course Britain being much smaller than the USA, it is placed on sale at a much lower price.
Urban Pop art in your own home by Cult Artist Sly.
These paintings are “painted” solely from pieces of newspaper using no paint at all, and the effect is extraordinary. Additionally, the edges are wrapped with newspaper, so no frame is required.
Juan Sly is likely the biggest seller of original artwork in the UK. An artist exhibiting in spray stencils, newspaper and oils, he has exhibited at the Saatchi (a proper gallery with pillars and everything!) alongside the likes of Banksy, Terry O'Neil, Tracy Emin and Vic Reeves, and has permanent collections in Ireland, Detroit and England, alongside Damien Hirst and some other artists you might have heard of, plus private collections around the globe. His works rock from humour to anti-war, sex to surreal. He is particularly fond of the stencil medium as it allows him to respond quickly to events and ideas and gives his works a gritty, illegal look. The stencils naturally allow the works to be resprayed, and consequently become affordable and disposable. He likes the fact that people can buy art which they like, and not to show off how much they can afford. You can find them in bedsits, legal offices in the Temple or stuck to a fence in Bristol.
Spiel by Wikipedia with help from Steeve.
- Board
- Urban
- Abstract
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