The History of Architecture is the History of the Human Race. Whenever and wherever people lived, they built. Sometimes the structures were temporary, but increasingly they were meant to be permanent.

Places to live, places to worship, places to gather, places to work and play – Long after the builders have passed on - the evidence remains.

Aisha Haider

Any tourist guide will point you in the direction of man-made structures, because that way you can explore the region’s history.

Without the Pyramids in Egypt, much of their history would be lost.

Jill Ann Harper

Long after the North Africans left Spain, much of their architecture remains.

Humph Hack
The Alhambra - Spain

Rome wasn’t built in a day. It took generations of Italians across many centuries – all leaving their mark.

Marc Todd
Rome At Dusk

Across the World, Muslims built mosques.

Laura Hol
Kul Sharif Mosque

Across Europe and further afield, Christians built churches.

Iulian Atomei
The Notre-Dame-de-l’Assomption Church

People go to Venice just to see the buildings.

Irina Rumyantseva
Venice - Palazzo Giustinian

A visit to Barcelona demands a tour of Gaudi’s masterpiece.

Humph Hack
Segrada Familia - looking up

No visit to Paris is complete without a coffee in a street café.

Darren Carey
Paris morning at Les Deux Magots

But, the most humble building can inspire an artist.

 It’s all about history.

martin whittam
The Codfather

Holidays can be enhanced by studying the local history through architecture.

People used to buy postcards to send home from holiday, then they took hundreds of photos on their smart phones -often never to get printed.

Why not buy a work of art to bring the memories flooding back? See more ARCHITECTURE and BUILDINGS.