Aggie Matyjaszek


In conversation with Humph Hack - Curator


I asked Aggie about her art education.
“I enjoyed studying art and the old masters for many years before I came to the UK. Once here I began study with the National Design Academy in Nottingham. Courses covered Painting, History of Art and Interior Design. I achieved a BA in Art and Design”

I know you went on to work as an interior designer.
“Yes, I began Kitchen Design some years ago. I still do it. It allows me time to paint and travel.”

A lot of your work is inspired by landscape.

“I have always loved nature, since childhood. So, there is no surprise that as an adult I run to nature to relax, take a breath and find my inspiration. I love long hikes through the English mountains and countryside”.

Do you work outdoors?
“I produce lots of 6 x 8 inch studies when I wild camp in the UK or travel abroad. I love all aspects of nature from the mountains to the ocean”.


How do you choose the materials you use?

“I believe there is right medium for every occasion - for example, when I wild camp I paint with oils. When I hike, I sketch with ink pen and if time lets me I add a watercolour wash.”

I asked Aggie why almost of her finished works are in Oils?

“I just love how oils are smooth to work with, the patterns a brush stroke can create - the unlimited colours you can create with the paint and you never have to rush. With oils there is time to play and enjoy the process.”


Are your flower studies a change of direction or will landscape remain your main stimulus?

“Flowers are part of nature and like the mountains can be an endless inspiration. I love the colours and shapes of flowers and sometimes it is simply nice to paint something beautiful like a flower.”


Most of Aggie’s sales have been within the UK. She accepts commissions and has had success in exhibitions.

As to the future; Aggie tells me…..

“I will just keep painting. I have some amazing long holidays planned. I’ll come back with a sketchbook full of new ideas.”

Her art is her adventure…

“I paint my experience and wonder of places I have visited. My favourite artworks are my plein air studies created by my tent, as they truly show the passing time, changing weather conditions and light”.

Aggie already has 39 works on the site. Keep looking as she adds more exciting art.

September 2024

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