I absolutely adore discovering new things to paint and can imagine a multitude of paintings from one subject. I am open to commissions and ideas, please feel comfortable to approach me, I'm open to discuss collaborations on projects and happy to adjust my prices if you really want to own an art work on display. I hope you enjoy what you see and note all art works are signed and dated and come with an individual authentication certificate.

Artistic background

I have a real strong passion for all art movements and all forms of expression. My enthusiasm for the subject began from early days in school and my talent picked up by a much loved and insightful teacher during my years in secondary school. I then furthered my Art & Design studies in GCSE, A level & Foundation year and throughout my BA Hons degree in Graphic Design & Illustration - the best years at the University of West London graduated in 2016 and ever since then I am persevering my learning from personal crafts and art projects to this day and ongoing.
In art works I often study scenery, objects and people through colour, making up shapes and lines. I connect visions and ideas on canvas, paper and multimedia, ceramics and crafts that help me express myself in the moment.

My ideas and visual impressions transform into oils or acrylic paintings. Mixed media watercolour/acrylic/texture/pallet knife acrylic or oil painted pieces are some of my best ways of making art. I find love for nature and portraits and thrive on challenges. When something isn’t quite easy nor coming out right, I persevere my findings trying new techniques and explore new styles coincidentally arrive at final outcomes I don’t expect nor plan, that’s exciting for me.

‘I’ve always liked to view things with an invisible but magical magnifying glass and once I see a subject, it’s almost very random anytime in my daily routine, I focus all my attention on it and visualise a painting even before it forms an idea and I jot it down, but most of the times I like to do the painting in real life and aim to make it my next one and depict the moment just as I saw it at first sight.’


I admire all art forms, music, 3-dimensional forms, nature, travelling... being in the now in everything I do.
I enjoy knowing, seeing and learning new things, any experience to me is a key opening new doors, new ideas, new opinions, it's a good learning and defines me and my achievements thereafter.
I adore animals and wish to study as much on earth as I can physically do.

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