This unique masterpiece is a contemporary original abstract art piece created by Johanna O'Sullivan. The artwork is painted on canvas using acrylic materials and measures 150cm in length, 100cm in height, and 2cm in width. The piece is signed by the artist and is a single piece unit quantity.

The artwork features a stunning landscape theme in white, green, blue, and grey colours. It is handmade and unframed, making it a perfect addition to any art collection. The piece was created in 2024 and is an original, not a licenced reproduction. This ultra-contemporary artwork is perfect for those who appreciate abstract art and want to add a unique piece to their collection.

Artistic background

My name is Johanna O’Sullivan from Middlesex, As child growing up, I recall always having a passion for Art. I used my spare time absorbed in painting for hours on end. This hobby carried me through to my secondary school years where I studied Art and Design Technology, which I loved.

My pieces are inspired by my love for colours, shapes, patterns, nature and the emotions I feel at the time I hold the paint brush. I admire and appreciate all forms of art, however abstract art is my forte it warms my soul in a profound way. The expressions of my pieces are my outlet and my freedom.

I have made it my mission and purpose in life to share my art pieces for all to see.

May you enjoy my pieces and be inspired to tap into your talents, dreams and aspirations. You will be amazed by the amount of people you bring additional joy, peace and happiness to, by sharing your gift - Don’t wait start today

Sending love, light, positivity & enjoyment your way.

Johanna O’Sullivan


Do not hold back on what I could do today!!


Abstract art, craft, cooking walking in nature and travelling

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