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- Autumnal Glow
- Janice Rogers
- Acrylic
- Double Bass - tuning head
- Humph Hack
- Acrylic
- Composition 10
- Stephen Sargeant
- Acrylic
- Rainy impression-XII
- Stanislav Bojankov
- Acrylic
- Deer in Birch Forest
- Andreea Lazarescu
- Acrylic
- Dragon Garden number 2
- Stephen Powlesland
- Acrylic
- Liam struts-Oasis
- David Taylor
- Acrylic
- Feed Your Imagination
- Lynne Godina-Orme
- Acrylic
- Unconditional Love
- Marzena Wilkes
- Acrylic
- Take me to the beach
- Michelle Carolan
- Acrylic
- Lynda Cockshott
- Acrylic
- Sea Edge 2
- Marta Goldby
- Acrylic
- Sea snacks, fish and chips.
- Lee McCarthy
- Acrylic
- My back yard
- Vincent Vyce
- Acrylic
- Dream Disgracefully Past Your Salad Days
- Kalpana Soanes
- Acrylic
- Where the River Flows
- Tracey Unwin
- Acrylic
- Fuchsia Falls
- Bryan Duncan
- Acrylic
- Sun Follower's
- James Lancaster
- Acrylic
- Sun Glistening on the Sea Acrylic Painting
- Tracey Carmen
- Acrylic
- This Side for Hell
- Edmund Grimketel
- Acrylic
- London Night Skyline Art 394
- Rizna Munsif
- Acrylic
- Spring Morning
- Laurence Perera Chandler
- Acrylic
- Blue Adventure L 3
- Peter Nottrott
- Acrylic
- Light Sussex Chickens
- Debbie Cullis
- Acrylic
- Summer Land
- Amanda Horvath
- Acrylic
- Planet Mercury with the Sun
- Shyamal Sarkar
- Acrylic