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- Just Us. SOLD
- Mel Davies
- Oil
- In the Blooming Garden
- Diana Malivani
- Oil
- Out Of The Blue
- Thomas Hjelm
- Oil
- Joyful dolphins
- Liubov Kuptsova
- Oil
- Roses with Grapes
- Nijole Verbickiene
- Oil
- Hieland Coo
- Eileen Hood
- Oil
- White Beauty 2.
- Nancy Robertson-Vousden
- Oil
- Road to Brampton 2
- Helen Alice Johnson
- Oil
- Provence landscape 6724
- Pol Ledent
- Oil
- Pink sunset
- Lada Kholosho
- Oil
- Cool tomatoes
- Victor White
- Oil
- On The Edge
- Christine Ingram
- Oil
- White Rose
- Jill Ann Harper
- Oil
- Homage to T
- Jacqueline K Crofton
- Oil
- Dreams in Violet and Gold 2
- Natalie Aleksejeva
- Oil
- Lovable
- Anna Spencer
- Oil
- Bohemian waxwing
- Laure Bury
- Oil
- Lights Rhythm
- Fiona J Rose
- Oil
- Dreams of Yesterday
- James Brunt
- Oil
- Morning Sapphire
- Jennifer Taylor
- Oil
- Red Berber Sky
- Thomas Hjelm
- Oil
- Near the mountain
- Kestutis Jauniskis
- Oil
- Curved bay: Lady’s Tower
- Helen Smart
- Oil
- Amethyst woods
- Thomas Ashcroft
- Oil
- Peter Goodhall
- Oil