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- Lemons in blue bowl
- Lesley blackburn
- Oil
- After the Show
- Natalie Bennett
- Oil
- Knarled Tree.
- Hepzibah Hunter
- Oil
- Austria lakes
- David Taylor
- Oil
- Maggie Jukes
- Oil
- Porthminster Rocks
- Dawn Harries
- Oil
- Foxgloves and Bumble Bees
- Carol Ann Wood
- Oil
- First Light
- David Watson
- Oil
- Girl with Lurcher Dog framed
- Teresa Tanner
- Oil
- Enchanting Sunset
- Lada Stukan
- Oil
- Abstract Portrait Sophia 878
- Eraclis Aristidou
- Oil
- Flower Hare.
- Natalie Aleksejeva
- Oil
- Provence Lavender
- Christine Ingram
- Oil
- Seaside. Love triangle
- Vladimir Kolosov
- Oil
- Amanita Muscaria
- Mariusz Krzysztof Anisko
- Oil
- Year of The Pig
- Mariusz Krzysztof Anisko
- Oil
- East coast view
- Yulia Allan
- Oil
- Young Blue Jay
- Laure Bury
- Oil
- Road Less Traveled.
- Vita Schagen
- Oil
- Tree of Life
- Simona Nedeva
- Oil
- Dreamy Sunset Colors
- Behshad Arjomandi
- Oil
- "Horses, Pontypool"
- Vernon W Jones
- Oil
- Light and shadows at Fenn Meadow
- Helena Wilsen-Saunders
- Oil
- Dramatic sunset
- Anastasiia Novytska
- Oil
- Marble Landscape
- Oil
- The queen Elizabeth II,
- Patrick Cornee
- Oil
- Roses in a garden.
- Olga Koval
- Oil